The Neu Perspectives Podcast

New podcast Neu Perspectives podcast explores all aspects of life including conscious awareness, spirituality, philosophies, discovery of the ego, life experiences as a human being, and more. We even look at the roles we play as individuals, parents, spouses, and family members. Neu Perspectives Podcast is brought to you by Josh and Lovie Neu. We are an interracial married couple, who address a wide range of topics that affect us and other people on this journey called Life! This podcast is meant to provide unique and unconventional perspectives to promote new ways of thinking, inspire hope, and ignite the love for life. Join us as we discuss real life issues! Bring an open mind, calm spirit, and join us for an enlightening conversation. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Neu Perspectives. Follow us on FB and IG at Neu Perspectives Podcast! Thanks, J. & L. Neu

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Monday Aug 24, 2020

Please join us as we continue our discussion about whether to homeschool our children or leave them in public school for digital learning.  We provide candid feedback about how our family is approaching this issue and some of the things we've encountered as well as Neu Perspectives on how to overcome this challenging time with our most precious people in our lives.

Sunday Aug 16, 2020

In this episode your hosts of the Neu Perspective Podcast (Josh and Lovie Neu) approach the topic of the fatigue that is happening to people around the world due to Covid and quarantine.  We also offer some tips and ideas for coping and adapting to this new normal as well as offering some Neu Perspectives on how to find some positivity in this uncertain time.  Please join us and provide your comments, likes, shares, and tag some others who could benefit from this conversation.

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020

This discussion will cover topics related to the pros and cons of whether to put your children in an online homeschool program or continue with the state provided digital learning solutions.  We also cover tips, resources, experiences, ideas, and of course Neu Perspectives.  

Thursday Jun 18, 2020

This monologue is meant to highlight a few examples of why we must demand that black lives matter just as much as any other culture or race in this country and around the world. The police have perpetrated unequal justice dating back to the days of slavery and we are still talking about examples as those I've mentioned.  I hate to even think about all of the ones we don't even know about.

Monday Jun 15, 2020

Part 3 of a 3 part ongoing series focusing current events and today's topic is racial injustice and police brutality in the United States. We are an interracial married couple sharing their unique perspectives and hopefully further the conversation in a positive manner. Stay tuned for further content and commentary in the future, if you want to hear more then please subscribe or follow us on IG and FB @neuperspectivespodcast or @lovieneu. Reach out to us via email

Monday Jun 15, 2020

Part 2 of a 3 part ongoing series focusing current events and today's topic is racial injustice and police brutality in the United States. We are an interracial married couple sharing their unique perspectives and hopefully further the conversation in a positive manner. Stay tuned for further content and commentary in the future, if you want to hear more then please subscribe or follow us on IG and FB @neuperspectivespodcast or @lovieneu. Reach out to us via email

Monday Jun 15, 2020

Part 1 of a 3 part ongoing series focusing current events and today's topic is racial injustice and police brutality in the United States. We are an interracial married couple sharing their unique perspectives and hopefully further the conversation in a positive manner. Stay tuned for further content and commentary in the future, if you want to hear more then please subscribe or follow us on IG and FB @neuperspectivespodcast or @lovieneu. Reach out to us via email

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020

 In this podcast, we explore different religions and our view points on Catholicism, Baptist, Christianity and even Episcopalian. Travel with Lovie and Josh as they discuss their introductions to religion and learn how they end up believing in completely different spirituality principles from their upbringing. You will be surprised how being "awake" has changed their lives in many ways, but realize that religion absolutely has its place in everyone's life. Hope you enjoy!

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